Wednesday 8 March 2023

You are beautiful


Many of us do not take the time to notice and acknowledge how beautiful we are as humans. Some of us feel that it is vain to consider our appearance too much, or we may find that when we look at ourselves, all we see are imperfections.

Sometimes we see our beauty in a shallow way, noticing how well we are conforming to social norms, but failing to see the deeper beauty that shines out from within and that will continue to shine regardless of how we measure up to society’s ideal.

To keep ourselves in touch with our own beauty, we can surround ourselves with images that reflect our beauty back to us—photos of a relative or child who has our eyes, images of teachers who embody spirit, or self-portraits that capture our essence in a way that allows us to see ourselves anew.

The best way to keep ourselves in touch with our own beauty is to keep looking deeply into our own souls and opening our eyes to the human being we see in the mirror every day.

 (Extracted from The Daily Om)

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