Monday 12 April 2021


"The most difficult time to be generous is when we ourselves are feeling poor. While some of us have experienced actually being in the red financially, there are those of us who would feel broke even if we had a million dollars in the bank. 

Either way, as the old adage goes, it is always in giving that we receive. Meaning that when we are living in a state of lack, the very gesture we may least want to give is the very act that could help us create the abundance that we seek. 

One way to practice generosity is to give energy where it is needed. Giving money to a cause or person in need is one way to give energy. Giving attention, love, or a smile to another person are other acts of giving that we can offer. After all, there are people all over the world that are hungry for love. 

Remember that what you send out will always come back to you. Selflessly help a friend in need without expecting them to return the same favour in the same way, and know that you, too, will receive that support from the universe when you need it."

I read my Daily Om and took this extract on Generosity, I believe it is true that sometimes being generous is not only a matter of giving money but attention, love or smile. We can be generous any time!!

Saturday 3 April 2021

Happy Easter

In these days when almost every family has lost people or jobs, I still believe we will go through. No matter how religious you are, I wish you a Happy Easter, a time to celebrate new dawn, new opportunities and a new life. It is time to renew our Faith in God, in ourselves and in a promising future for everybody. 

En estos tiempos en que casi todas las familias hemos experimentado pérdidas laborales y personales, yo confío en que a pesar de eso saldremos adelante.
Independientemente de si son religiosos o no, les deseo una Feliz Pascua de Resurrección, de Renovación de nuestra Fé en Dios, en nosotros mismos y en un futuro promisor para nosotros y las personas que amamos.

Celebrating my parents´life

March 10th is the First Anniversary of my Mom´s passing away, I wanted to pay homage to her life and my Dad´s with a memorial service and this video as a reminder of how blessed I am for having lived surrounded for so much love.