Friday 31 December 2021

Antigua Bendición Celta

“Que el camino salga a tu encuentro.
Que el viento siempre esté detrás de ti y la lluvia caiga suave sobre tus campos y hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar, que Dios te sostenga suavemente en la palma de su mano. 
Olvida las cosas que te entristecieron, pero nunca olvides aquellas que te alegraron. Olvida los problemas que ya pasaron, pero nunca olvides las bendiciones de cada día.
Que siempre tengas palabras cálidas en un anochecer frío, una luna llena en una noche oscura y que el camino siempre se abra a tu puerta.
Que cada día y cada noche tengas muros contra el viento, un techo para la lluvia, bebidas junto al fuego, risas para que te consuelen aquellos a quienes amas, y que se colme tu corazón con todo lo que desees.
Que así sea el año que viene, cada año, siempre”

Happy 2022


Bodas de Plata Promoción 71

 Bodas de Plata Promoción 71, Colegio Notre Dame

Tuesday 28 December 2021

Celebrating 50 years of leaving school

 We left school in the year 1971 so this year we commemorated our 50th Anniversary. Due to the situation we experience in Peru we decided to do something special to celebrate so we collected money and made bags to give out to people in need. I am really proud of my school friends!!!💖

Saturday 25 December 2021

Merry Christmas

 Happy Christmas !!!

May the spirit of Christmas bring you and your family Hope, Happiness and Love. 🎄


Thursday 16 December 2021


These days I have been listening to old songs that were popular when I was a teenager and in my early 20s. I vividly remember what I was doing when those songs were played on the radio and that has made me feel nostalgic. 

I think I have lived a long life full of different experiences and I like it but these pandemic days make me feel that time is being elusive since I have to stay home most of the time because of the holidays and the need to avoid crowds to keep safe. I think I need to do something different to satisfy my need for change.

Just when I was thinking of this, I received my daily OM and today´s is the most appropriate for how I feel:

 "There are many ways to discover what the next step on your life path should be. If you are someone who seeks to satisfy your soul, it is vital that you make this inquiry. Often, your inner voice will counsel you that it's time for a change, and it is very important to trust yourself because only you know what is best for you. Personal growth always results when you let yourself expand beyond the farthest borders of what your life has been so far. When figuring out what your next step will be, you may want to review your life experiences. The choices you've made and the dreams you've held onto can give you an idea of what you don't want to do anymore and what you might like to do next. It is also a good idea to think about creative ways you can use your skills and satisfy your passions. Visualizing your perfect future and making a list of ways to manifest that future can help you choose a logical next step that's in harmony with your desires. Meditation, journal writing, taking a class, and other creative activities may inspire you and provide insight regarding the next step in life that will bring you the most satisfaction."