Wednesday 22 June 2016

Whenever I read the paper I get overwhelmed and feel that it is impossible to make a difference without unlimited funding or free time. However, I come to my senses and realize that each
of us is more than capable of helping the world, despite our fears and limitations and the uncertainty that holds us back.   

I have always believed in the multiplying effect that our actions have in this world and I think that if we vow to make the world a better place one day at a time, the true significance of small good deeds reveals itself to us.

We make our homes, workplaces, communities, and countries better and brighter when we think positive thoughts that echo outward, give donations of time or money- if we can afford it, and smile at everyone we meet.

As we learn, we inadvertently improve the universe because we can only be truly involved when we are informed. This is why my favourite quote-which I borrowed from Mahatma Gandhi- is Live as if you  were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever. Even enthusiastically sharing ideas with others generates positive energy that then serves as the motivation for more tangible change. This is another reason why I love hosting the Customized Training Services Facebook events, these allow me to share and to receive valuable knowledge and feedback from my peers.

Helping the world often takes no more than a moment, just a wish for the world is a beautiful gesture and can be done by even the busiest of people effortlessly. I normally do this when I wake up after thanking God for another day. I know that the gift of a wish for the world is not grand or  or attention-worthy, yet I believe the benefits are the same no matter the literal repercussions.

I am convinced that at least once a day we can affect reality, and  reap the rewards of knowing that  we are making the world a better place, day by day.

Monday 13 June 2016

I´ve just read this and wanted to share it with you.

"I am old but I am forever young at heart. We are always the same age inside. Know that you are the perfect age. Each year is special and precious, you can only live it once.
Do not regret growing older, it is a privilege denied to many."

Wednesday 8 June 2016

"The choices you make upon waking can have a profound impact on your day.   By beginning your day in a focused and centered fashion, you make it your own. You set the tone of your expectations and choose the mood you will use to respond to your circumstances. A gentle, reflective, and thoughtful morning will prepare you to create a gentle, conscious, and thoughtful day. "

"The simplest way to eliminate the rush from your morning routine is to rise earlier. Though this may seem like a hardship at first, you will soon grow to love the extra minutes or hours that afford you an opportunity to really enjoy watching the sun come up or connect with your loved ones before you go in your separate directions."  

 "If you want little more than to enjoy your day, devote a portion of your personal time to activities that both ground and delight you, such as meditation, yoga, chanting, singing, reading, or listening to music".  Today I decided to catch up with some friends who I had not written for quite a while and It felt really good since writing to them made me think of them and the various reasons why I loved them filling my heart with a warm feeling.

"Your morning is yours and should reflect not only your practical needs but also the needs of your soul. When you center yourself at the start of your day, you will likely find it easier to remain centered during subsequent work, play, and downtime because the overall sense of serenity you create through your choices will stay with you throughout the day".

I had already made plans for my day so there is not much I can change and to be honest I fell rather sleepy now but let´s see if I can follow the advice from the quoted recommendations from the Daily Om.