Monday 30 December 2019

Happy New Year !!!


I read this a long time ago and could not write down the name of the author because of the state of the paper where it had been written so if anyone bumps into it (original is in Spanish, this is my attempted translation), please let me know so as to give him/her due credit. 

New Year´s Proposal

As I get older my perception of things has changed and I have reached the conclusion that there are no bad years. Some are years of deep learning and others are like a constant break, but they are not bad years. 
I strongly believe that the way to assess the past year has to do with how much we loved, we forgave, we laughed, we learnt new things; how much we challenged our ego and our attachments. And that is why we shouldn´t be afraid of suffering or failure because they are both learning episodes.

We need to understand that life and how we live it is up to us; how we hook to things we don´t like depends solely on how we raise our willpower. If we do not like the life we live, we should develop the necessary strategies to change it, that is in our willpower. “To be happy is a decision”, let´s not forget it.

According to this, what we need to do to build a better 2020 is basically three things:

To learn to love, To transcend and To be happy.

These are the three things we should work on everyday, How? I believe there are three factors that can help us achieve them:
1)      To learn to love responsibility as an opportunity to grow up. A job-whether paid or not- dignifies the soul and the spirit and is good for our mental health. Let´s stop thinking that getting tired is something negative. On the contrary, it is a privilege because it means that we are giving the best of us. We have come to this world to get tired…we will have centuries to sleep when we are dead.
2)      To value freedom as a way of defeating myself and understand that to be free is not to do what I want. Perhaps next year we should exert our freedom doing what we have to do with pleasure and say that we are happily tired so as to be able to love more and better.
3)      The third and last issue to consider next year is to develop willpower, that wonderful skill of being capable of waiting, postponing immediate gratification in order to obtain something better. In my opinion, this is the greatest thing to cultivate all along the 21st century.

So, it is due to these factors that we should focus on:
·         Sitting at the table with all the members of the family, at least once a week, preferably every day.
·         Turning off the screens (TV, laptops, mobile phones, etc.) while we are eating; let´s not answer the phone and feel that the only sound to be heard is that of our voices.
·         Treating each other well, with love; love our country, treat it well-as family. Greet the people you meet in the elevators, the security people, the bus drivers, smile…at least once or several times a day.
·         Making your house a home with the smell of food, scruffy-and even stained- cushions, some untidiness that shows that people live there. Our houses- no matter how much money you have-are becoming a place so perfect that seems that nobody can live inside.
·         Having contact with nature, play, laugh, have the time to share with the grandparents, print the photos so they can see them as they prefer them, enjoy their wisdom and make our children share time with them so they can understand their history.
·         Trying to grow up spiritually. Transcendence and giving meaning to our actions is connected to the new century intelligence: spiritual intelligence.
·         Reduce the use of technology for the sake of face-to-face conversation, playing old games, family reunions, meeting with friends… at home. Value intimacy, warmth and love among the members of our family.

If we manage to do this or at least commit to try, we are aiming at happiness; this does not mean a life without problems but the understanding that happiness is linked to the attitude we have to face our share.

Next year will come with what it has (challenges, wonders, the good, the bad and the ugly), let´s welcome it with love and gratitude for what we will learn from it.

               “Sufrimos demasiado por lo poco que nos falta, y gozamos poco de lo mucho que tenemos” (Shakespeare).

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Last academic event 2019

Dear all
Please join us in our last event of the year. We will count on the expertise of lecturers from RELO Andes and MINEDU to wrap up our year devoted to Formative Assessment. 
We would love to receive your feedback and suggestions of academic topics for 2020. You are all very welcome!! 

Saturday 3 August 2019

Morir de amor

Nunca conocí personalmente a Oriana. Solamente sabía que tenía un albergue para perritos y gatitos abandonados en Chanchamayo y que mantenía el albergue con la venta de miel, café y polen que varios de los que como yo no somos animalistas pero queremos a los animales comprábamos para apoyarla.

Hace un par de semanas me comentaron que había venido a Lima porque se encontraba mal de salud. Si bien ella se atendía por el Servicio Integral de Salud (SIS), le habían solicitado unas pruebas que, por más sofisticadas y costosas, tenían que realizarse de manera particular. Con la ayuda de algunas personas y doctores amigos se consiguió juntar el dinero para que se las hicieran a costo social. El resultado fue devastador: tenía tumores en el hígado y pulmones.

 Oriana tenía 40 años y había vendido todas sus cosas en Lima para ir a Chanchamayo a atender el albergue. Ella y su novio trataban de mantenerlo a flote para darle una posibilidad de vida a tantos animalitos abandonados por ser mestizos, feos, grandes, viejos, bulleros o simplemente porque algunos dueños de mascotas las dejan sueltas en la calle (a veces para no recoger lo que hacen) y además no las esterilizan y cuando aparecen las crías las abandonan.

La preocupación de Oriana al saber que estaba seriamente enferma era que la ayudaran a curarse para poder vivir y atender a sus “hijitos” como ella los llamaba…casi 60 en total!!. Se debía pagar agua, luz y alquiler del albergue además de a la persona que ayudaba con la limpieza y cuidado pues ella por la enfermedad ya no podía hacerlo.  Cómo no ayudarla?, cómo no atender a esta muchacha que clamaba por más vida?. Se recolectó dinero nuevamente entre los animalistas y personas  que sin conocerla atendieron su súplica y se logró juntar dinero para comprar comida y pagar algunos gastos del albergue. Entre el soponcio de la morfina que mitigaba un poco los dolores terribles que debía tener, Oriana sonreía aliviada de saber que sus “hijitos” no habían sido abandonados.

Oriana falleció hoy y tal vez se pueda especular que si hubiera acudido al doctor antes podría haberse salvado. Tal vez si esta campaña de ayuda a Oriana se hubiera hecho mucho antes, no hubiera estado tan desesperada por atender el albergue y la enfermedad no hubiera avanzado tan brutalmente como lo hizo. Siempre la muerte nos deja muchas preguntas sin contestar!. Lo que me tiene desolada es que existe la posibilidad que sacrifiquen a los animalitos por los que Oriana tanto luchó.  Sé que algunas personas dirán que hay familias, madres, niños y ancianos que necesitan ayuda y que son más importantes que los animales. ¿Pero acaso uno elige a quién amar? Oriana amaba a su familia, a su novio y tenía tanta capacidad de amar que emprendió esta cruzada para apoyar a estos animalitos abandonados que no hablan ni tienen familia que los proteja y cuide porque los amaba.

 Yo estoy sorprendida  y agradecida por la reacción de tantas personas que sin conocer a Oriana la han apoyado  en estos días tan tristes y espero que en recuerdo de ella y de su amor por los animales de su albergue no sacrifiquen a sus “hijitos” por los que tanto luchó y se pueda conseguir tiempo para poder trasladarlos y hacer una campaña de adopción que ya se ha iniciado pero que necesita más apoyo pues hay que seguir comprando comida mientras se hacen las gestiones y se consigue dinero.

El tiempo le falló a Oriana pues había un proyecto para crear una ONG de apoyo a su albergue, ojalá que no le fallemos y podamos poner a salvo a la mayor cantidad de animalitos, los “hijitos” de Oriana para que- donde quiera que esté- vuelva a sonreír.

Friday 26 July 2019

The power of the subconscious mind

A Rippling effect

Last month I learned about the power of our minds and how we can use them to gear our lives. My friend América told me and taught me about the power hidden in our subconcious mind and how by commanding it we can do miracles.

After an initial sceptical period, I am now convinced that it is true. Our minds are powerful tools that we can harness to create our reality.  Each thought is like a stone dropped into a lake, sending ripples out into our world to affect all they touch. We can choose our focus and how we invest our energy and become whatever we choose in each and every moment.

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Real love

When I am not running workshops or seminars, I work at home preparing the material for Customized Training Services (CTS), my own company. While working on the development of material, as a way of relaxing, I browse the Internet and pick here and there some articles that catch my interest.
I came across one on Real love and I loved this part. So here I am quoting it, hoping it would make others reflect on something as important as finding true love.

"Real love is identifiable by the way it makes us feel. Love should feel good. There is a peaceful quality to an authentic experience of love that penetrates to our core, touching a part of ourselves that has always been there. True love activates this inner being, filling us with warmth and light. An authentic experience of love does not ask us to look a certain way, drive a certain car, or have a certain job. It takes us as we are, no changes required. When people truly love us, their love for us awakens our love for ourselves. They remind us that what we seek outside of ourselves is a mirror image of the lover within. In this way, true love never makes us feel needy or lacking or anxious. Instead, true love empowers us with its implicit message that we are, always have been, and always will be, made of love". (Taken from The Daily Om)

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Live Every Day as your Last

"It's interesting to think of what it would mean to us if we let ourselves wear our nicest clothes and eat off the good china on a daily basis. We might be sending ourselves the message that every day we are alive is a special day and a cause for celebration, and that we are worth it. There is something uplifting about treating ourselves to the finest of what we have. It is as if we rise to the occasion when we wear our best clothes and set the table beautifully, as if for a very special guest. We are more mindful of where we place things, what we are eating, and who is with us. Using the good china, eating in the dining room, and taking the plastic off the sofa might be an invitation to be more conscious of the beauty and grace inherent in our everyday lives". 

(Extracted from Daily OM)

Tuesday 7 May 2019


"We experience peace when we are in a state of mental calm and serenity. It might surprise you to notice how infrequently you allow yourself to be free from anxiety. Realizing this is the first step to inner peace. If you wait until all the details of your life are taken care of to allow yourself to experience peace, you will never feel peaceful because there is always something that your mind can grab onto to create anxiety. It is important to consciously set aside your worries and make time to cultivate inner peace. "   (Extract from The Daily Om)

Friday 3 May 2019

Helping the World

I´d like to share these words about Helping the world which I extracted and adapted from The Daily Om.

Helping the world often takes no more than a moment, just a wish for the world is a beautiful gesture and can be done by even the busiest of people effortlessly. The gift you give each day need not be grand or attention-worthy because the broader benefits  are the same no matter the literal repercussions.

   We make our homes. workplaces, communities, and countries better and brighter when we think positive thoughts that echo outward, give donations of time or money, smile at everyone we meet, and lend those in need of aid our assistance.

   So much negative energy is generated by the suffering, pain and close-mindedness we are regularly exposed to, but we can counteract in a constructive way by thinking and acting altruistically when opportunities to do so arise.

   Once a day, you can affect reality, and you can reap the rewards of knowing that you are making the world a better place, day by day.

Monday 22 April 2019

Although this video was meant to raise awareness of the need for immediate action in 2013, it is still one of the best videos to motivate people to make some changes to protect the Earth.

Sunday 10 March 2019

Happy Women´s Day to my friends, family, etc. Today I have to thank a man, my Dad, for teaching me that Education was the only way to navigate and that real effort was the captain in order to reach a safe port. Dad and I did not see eye to eye in several things and he struggled against his machista background but I know he would be proud to know that my brothers and I lead useful and happy lives thanks to him and my Mom.

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Time for change and new beginnings. Forget the misfortunes and get ready to receive good luck.
Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday 16 January 2019

My wish is that, one day, formal education will pay attention to the education of the heart, teaching love, compassion, justice, forgiveness, mindfulness, tolerance and peace. This education is necessary, from kindergarten to secondary schools and universities. I mean social, emotional and ethical learning. We need a worldwide initiative for educating heart and mind in this modern age.

Monday 14 January 2019


Summer is a season that impresses our senses with its bright colors, fresch scents, briliant sunlight and vibrant flavors. It has a special effect since our burdens seem lighter and we feel compelled to relax, play or travel. 
Summer is a season of light, of opening doors, turning our faces toward the sun. It is invigorating to wake up with the sunrise, take a day trip to the beach, eat different and exotic ice creams or just sit and feel the sun.

Summer will pass quickly, but while it remains, you can renew yourself in the wonder of the light.



Wednesday 2 January 2019

As we all do this time of year, I lalso reflect on what has been and look to the future for what comes next. So many expectations!!!

 I am not good at resolutions but would like to set the intention to continually work on my wellness: body, mind, and spirit. I am looking forward to going as deep as I can in this process to help not only myself but my family and the world as a whole.  

I just pray to have the perseverance to fulfill this. Happy New Year!!!!